Contact Us
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Contact Information
If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to ask. On this page you can find all necessary information to contact us.

Customer Support
We are always striving to make our products better.
If you have any difficulties in using of Picture Resize Genius,
or you wish to suggest new features and improvements, please
either send an e-mail to our Support team (,
or contact us online by using our Feedback Contact Form.

Ordering, Payment
If you have questions about ordering, payment methods, or would like to get information about volume licensing prices and cooperation offers, please contact our Sales Team (

We are always interested to join new partnerships.
If you are interested to wholesale our products to resellers,
retailers or companies, please send a message to the following
e-mail address:

Web site
Any comments concerning the web site or the ordering system should be mailed to our Tech Team (